Hood County has ties to infamous serial killers? Drug cartel? This true crime novel is about 5 unsolved and several high-profile murders that were solved. These murders in a little Texas town about 70 miles southwest of Dallas, Granbury, is often thought of as a quaint and friendly town, welcoming to visitors. But, it has a dark, seedy past that a majority of the population here has no clue about. However, us natives of Hood County haven't forgotten. The author grew up in Granbury and these murders had a significant impact on her growing up, which led her into a career in criminal justice and inspired her to write this book. Her close friendship with the family of a young woman murdered in 1988 and another friend murdered in 1990 also drove her to write this book.
Book Design Art: Tim Renfrow, Wasteland Press
Map with pins of Murder Locations: Joel Ott, graphic designer
Editor: Kelli Martin
1st Assistnant Editor, Jana Reid
2nd Assistant Editor, Jordyn Stevens
Paperback - IN STOCK
"6x9", high quality paperback binding with cover, includes photos, old newspaper clippings, crime scene locations, and more.